Our Services



A psychological assessment examines a child or teenager’s thinking, learning, and attentional skills, as well as their social-emotional and behavioural functioning to identify their unique strengths and needs and provide concrete recommendations for support.

Our therapists can provide assessments in the following areas:

  • Psychoeducational Assessment (e.g. examine learning strengths and needs, explore possibility of learning disability or attention difficulties);

  • Social-emotional Assessment (e.g. depression, anxiety, oppositional/defiant disorder);

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment (including Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition - ADOS-2);

  • Gifted Assessment; and,

  • Assessment for College/University purposes.



Therapy helps children and teenagers to overcome emotional challenges so that they can reach their full potential. Therapy methods will vary depending on the presenting problem and treatment goals that the client (and/or parents when applicable) wishes to address. In order for effective therapy to take place, we need to understand the strengths and areas of difficulty for each client. Therefore, the first 1-2 sessions are spent conducting an initial assessment that involves discussions and interviews to gain an understanding of any current difficulties, and may also include the use of questionnaires or other assessment instruments as needed. Following this initial assessment, we will provide treatment suggestions including therapy methods and techniques. Typically, we check in with the client (and parents when applicable), at the end of 5-6 sessions to discuss progress and whether further work is warranted/would be of benefit. Therapy may occur once a week or otherwise, which is decided on an ongoing basis in collaboration with the client (and parents when applicable).

Our therapists can provide therapy for children and adolescents who are having difficulties with:

  • Mood (e.g. sadness, depression, low self-esteem)

  • Anxiety (e.g. general anxiety, social anxiety, phobias, obsessive-compulsive behaviours)

  • Anger and Self-Regulation (e.g. tantrums or anger/aggression outbursts)

  • Oppositional/Defiant Behaviour (e.g. oppositional/non-compliant behaviour, argumentative with adults and/or peers, parenting challenges)

  • Social skills (e.g. difficulties developing and maintaining friendships, difficulties interpreting verbal and nonverbal communication, difficulties effectively assessing social situations)



Clients may seek consultation to discuss any concerns or inquiries about a wide range of topics including their learning skills, emotions, social skills, or behaviours. 

Our therapists also provide consultations with parents and students regarding Individual Education Plans and Growth Plans within school boards

We also provide consultations with school staff and administrators, as well as other professionals (Speech-Language Pathologists, Social Workers, Behaviour Analysts) to support students in the community and/or school environment


Parent Coaching

Our therapists specialize in assisting parents with various concerns related to raising their children. We provide parents with tools to support their child’s social-emotional and behavioural functioning, as well as their overall development. We do this by helping to understand your personal parenting values, and develop an understanding of your child’s experience, perspective, and emotional needs.

Our Rates

Our fees are in line with the recommended fee guidelines published by the Ontario Psychological Association. Psychological Services provided by registered Psychologists are often covered by extended health insurance plans. Please check with your provider to better understand your coverage.

We're here for you!